Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
By Dorsey Shaw
This viral video is all about the exponential growth of available information in our society and what effects it might have on our future. Everyone should watch it once. Created by Karl Fisch
Friday, November 28, 2008

by Kathleen Parker
Yes, the cabinet names are familiar. Still, Obama may be the departure he promised.
Thursday, November 27, 2008

As President-elect Barack Obama focuses on the meltdown of the U.S. economy, another fire is burning: the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
By Marie Cocco —
At the earliest, it is likely to be at least February or March before the first dollar of an Obama recovery plan is felt. This is a national disgrace.
Obama the Realist
By E.J. Dionne —
In electing Barack Obama, the country traded the foreign policy of the second President Bush for the foreign policy of the first President Bush.
Obama’s Shrewd Choices
By Joe Conason —
Barack Obama’s appointees will implement the Obama program, not only because that is what he tells them to do but because that is what they have come to believe is best for the country.

by Joan Walsh
Experts said that they had never heard of the group that claimed responsibility for the Mumbai attacks and that it was probably not a cell or group linked to Al Qaeda.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

by Joan Walsh
Tuesday, November 25, 2008

By E.J. Dionne —
Obama’s selection of a team of highly skilled pragmatists has already been described as a move to the political center, but Obama advisers and longtime acquaintances say that this is a misreading of the incoming president and his approach.

On Monday, President Bush pardoned 14 people. But there were some big names missing from the list -- as the Associated Press pointed out, Michael Milken, former Rep. Duke Cunningham (R-Calif.) and former Gov. Edwin W. Edwards (D-La.) are among those who haven't yet gotten the presidential pardon they're seeking. And Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) is angry that former Border Patrol Agents Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos are not on the list, though -- as I showed in an article last year -- because of the way their case has been twisted by right-wing media, the argument on their behalf is decidedly less convincing than Rohrabacher says.
So here's the question for you: Who do you think Bush will pardon next? Will Milken get the nod, or will the politics of the current economic situation prevent that? What about Cunningham and Edwards? And will he, as some have speculated he might, issue pre-emptive pardons? If so, to whom? Let us know in comments.
― Alex Koppelman
Monday, November 24, 2008

By David Sunday
Sunday, November 23, 2008

President-elect steps up efforts to let public know what his plans are.

A Letter to My Brother Newt Gingrich
by Candace Gingrich
This is a movement of the people that you most fear. It's a movement of progress -- and your words only show how truly desperate you are to maintain control of a world that is changing before your very eyes.

by Glenn Greenwald

For more than three decades, Eugene Allen worked in the White House, a black man unknown to the headlines.

The Dynamic Duo
How Geithner will work with Summers, and why he's an even better pick than you think.
by Noam Scheiber
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

An unpardonable use of power
If President Bush cares about his place in history, he should think twice before issuing pardons that call his judgment, and the integrity of the rule of law, into question.
By Sen. Russ Feingold
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Republican candidate ran one of the most incompetent campaigns of modern times - and smashed the GOP to pieces.

Holder Seen as Justice Choice as Obama Forms Team
Barack Obama’s transition team has signaled to Eric H. Holder Jr. that he will be chosen as attorney general, but no final decision has been made, people involved in the process said.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
By E.J. Dionne —
There is a second transition under way over which President-elect Barack Obama has no control—the transition of conservatives to minority status. How they do this will have a powerful impact on the new presidency.
A Wal-mart Christmas for a Wal-mart Country
By Marie Cocco —
The giant discounter is the only store where hard-squeezed consumers can afford to buy anything, and so it has kept posting sales gains amid the retail bloodbath
Monday, November 17, 2008

ELECTION junkies in acute withdrawal need suffer no longer. Though the exciting Obama-McCain race is over, the cockfight among the losers has only just begun. The conservative crackup may be ugly, but as entertainment, it’s two thumbs up!
On ABC's This Week, conservative pundit George Will took up the case against Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal, arguing that it sent confusing signals to capitalists (who apparently might otherwise have pursued lucrative deals in the 1930s market place) and turned a depression into the Great Depression.
Thankfully, Nobel laureate Paul Krugman was around to remind Will of some history -- that the economy improved after the New Deal, and that it was FDR's attempt to balance the budget in 1937 (a move favored now by many conservatives) that then cut into that progress.
Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Newest GOP Myth: We've Drifted From Our Priniciples
by David Corn
In the aftermath of a decisive defeat, Republicans and conservatives are nursing their wounds and wondering what went wrong. Many have come up with an easy answer: the GOP has drifted from its core principles; consequently, the voters have handed it the pink slip.
But is the drift more to blame than the principles?
Saturday, November 15, 2008

This Week in Science
by DarkSyde
Planned Parenthood has a blog and they're understandably pissed off at the Bush-Cheney-Palin-McCain axis of evil and ignorance for, well, for a shitload of reasons as you can imagine. The most recent being as the economy crumbles, families are evicted from foreclosed homes, two unresolved trillion dollar wars rage, and the ranks of the unemployed balloon, the Nutjob-in-Chief has his priorities in order: denying healthcare to women by redefining birth control as abortion.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Who's afraid of a Filibuster?
by Joe Conason
Is there enough muscle behind a filibuster threat to block Mr. Obama’s mandate?
The short answer is no.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Since their thumpin' last week, the far-right has pushed the crazy to eleven and snapped the knob clean off -- an opening salvo of twisted hackery portending an insane four-to-eight years of attacks on the Obama administration
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The most important thing the Democrats and President-elect Obama can do with regard to the economy is bring back a sense of fairness and equity.
Monday, November 10, 2008

By Gary Kamiya
Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story
Airs on PBS, Tuesday, Nov. 11 9pm
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- Did You Know?By Dorsey ShawThis viral video is all...
- Obama Answers Liberal Critics on Personnel Choices
- Change From the Topby Kathleen ParkerYes, the cabi...
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- The media myth: Detroit’s $70-an-hour autoworkerBy...
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- Tutu, Obama and the Middle East By Amy GoodmanAs P...
- Bush’s Hoover Impression Flirts With DepressionBy ...
- I'm grateful for Barack Obama My sappy Thanksgivin...
- The Crisis & What to Do About ItBy George SorosThe...
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- Who's afraid of Obama overreaching? The president...
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- Obama's E-TeamBy E.J. Dionne —Obama’s selection of...
- Daily Show: Sarah Palin's Greatest Hits.cc_box a:h...
- Who will Bush pardon next? On Monday, President Bu...
- A Message From the White House Chief of Staff-Desi...
- Let's Be Clear About Obama by Katrina vanden Heuve...
- Gavin Newsom explains court challenge to Prop 8By ...
- Legacy of Mystery Forget hanging chads, 9/11, and ...
- Obama focuses with economy in free fallPresident-e...
- Why Obama Can Keep Gates By Joe ConasonAs Barack O...
- A Letter to My Brother Newt Gingrichby Candace Gin...
- Progressive complaints about Obama's appointmentsT...
- The Butler sees a new White HouseFor more than thr...
- The Dynamic DuoHow Geithner will work with Summers...
- Your Weekly Address from the President-elect
- Get Over It, Clinton Haters Obama's choice of riva...
- Clinton Decides to Accept Post at State Dept., Con...
- Key Committee Pick Signals Obama-Pelosi DirectionW...
- Wakamatsu named Mariners manager Former A's bench ...
- An unpardonable use of powerIf President Bush care...
- Conservative Columnist: "Religion Is Killing The R...
- Matt Taibbi: A Requiem for John McCain The Republi...
- Holder Seen as Justice Choice as Obama Forms TeamB...
- Should Obama Chase Osama?On Sunday the president-e...
- Conservative Identity CrisisBy E.J. Dionne —There ...
- The Moose Stops Here By FRANK RICHELECTION junkies...
- Paul Krugman Schools George Will on The Great Depr...
- Obama on 60 MinutesWatch CBS Videos OnlinePart IIW...
- GOP not playing "Minnesota Nice" with Franken Repu...
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- The Newest GOP Myth: We've Drifted From Our Prinic...
- The Wild Wordsmith of Wasillaby Dick CavettWhat wi...
- Your Weekly Address from the President-Elect
- Bush sets free-trade trap for Obama The outgoing p...
- This Week in Scienceby DarkSydePlanned Parenthood ...
- Last surviving member of the Jimi Hendrix Experien...
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- Who's afraid of a Filibuster?by Joe ConasonIs ther...
- How do you solve a problem like Joe Lieberman? A g...
- Bob Cesca: What Doesn't Kill The Far-Right Only Ma...
- Goodbye and Good Riddanceby Paul WaldmanAfter eigh...
- Let Us Now Praise Howard Deanby John NicholsWith t...
- Beyond The Fat Cats By BOB HERBERTThe most importa...
- The GOP's last chance: Become DemocratsWith all tr...
- *************************2012?
- How did that realignment work out for you, Republi...
- The First 100 Daysby Katrina vanden HeuvelAt the e...
- Right-Wing Media Feeds Its Post Election AngerRush...
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- Operation Leper!
- Slow Learnersby Jonathan ChaitWhat part of "overwh...
- Obama Positioned to Quickly Reverse Bush ActionsSt...
- Late Night Snark: Post Election Edition:"Attention...
- Postelection poll results contradict media claims...
- Obama's designated a--hole Even a poetic president...
- Bush's seven deadly environmental sinsHow Bush mad...
- First Press Conference
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- Stolen Election From Alaska?by Shannyn MooreSometh...
- Bob Cesca: At Long Last, It's Beginning To Feel Li...
- Lipstick Confessionsby Scout FinchFrom the minute ...
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- Three huge, immediate reasons to be happy about la...
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- OBAMARacial Barrier Falls as Voters Embrace Call f...
- A Historic Vote Defying Racism
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- The Republican Rump by Paul KrugmanWhy will the G....
- Beyond Election Dayby Bob HerbertAmericans have to...
- Obama and the Better Angels of Our Natureby John N...
- If The Whole World Could Vote
- No Currency Left To Buy Big Liesby John CusackSena...
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- I believe all the polls, and none of them Will Ame...
- McCain's Chief Surrogate/Plumber Questions Obama's...
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- The Obama DifferenceBy Howard ZinnHoward Zinn lean...
- "I think it's realistic to have hope. One can be ...
- Legal experts question US Attorney's decision not ...
- The Known Unknownsby Bob HerbertThe polls show Sen...
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