Monday, February 28, 2011
E.J. Dionne Jr.
A 1950s standoff sets the stage for Scott Walker's current confrontation.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
By Adele M. Stan / AlterNet
Confirmed: Union-Bashing Right-Wing Media Stars Hannity, Limbaugh and O'Reilly Are AFL-CIO Union-Affiliated Members
By Ted Cox AlterNet
Pulitzer Prize winning tax reporter, David Cay Johnston, has written a brilliant piece for exposing the truth about who really pays for the pension and benefits for public employees in Wisconsin.
Friday, February 25, 2011
By Joe Conason —
Even in its terribly weakened condition, the labor movement remains a bulwark against the kind of corporate tyranny that would swiftly make serfs of the rest of us.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
These days "George Soros!" is the right-wing equivalent of "Na-na-na-na-na!" But which billionaire is better for America: Soros, or David & Charles Koch?
Fake "Koch brother" calls up Wisconsin governor
By Alex Pareene
Scott Walker to 'Koch Caller': Thanks For All the Support
by John Nichols
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Overpaid columnist: Teachers are overpaid
The Washington Post's Richard Cohen is also upset that retired cops make nearly as much as he does
by Alex Pareene
Wisconsin governor's weak "fireside chat"
Scott Walker claims to not be at war with unions, argues that collective bargaining increased the deficit
by Alex Pareene
Monday, February 21, 2011

Scooter Steps In It
Much like Scooter didn't finish college, his plan didn't quite go off as well as he hoped. Actually, it hasn't gone well at all.
His ethical blindness is alarming, but it's also common on the Supreme Court -- and there's no way to stop it .
by Ben Adler
As the nation focuses on the efforts of Governor Scott Walker to take away collective bargaining rights from public employees in Wisconsin, new information is coming to light that reveals what is truly going on here.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
GOP plan to split lower classes exposed: author The labor unrest in Wisconsin exposed the Republican Party's plan to essentially divide-and-conquer the lower classes in America.
Why Do They Hate Social Security? By Joe Conason —
Among the mysteries of modern politics in America is why so many of our leading pundits and politicians persistently seek to undermine Social Security, that enduring and successful emblem of active government.
Obama and the Failure of the Deficit HawksBy E.J. Dionne, Jr. —
The president has proposed some serious spending cuts and some modest revenue increases to keep things stable. This annoys his deficit-obsessed critics. He should smile, let them rage, and go about his business.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
What to Make of the AOL Purchase of Huffington Post ... of the Comcast/NBCU deal—AOL’s $315-million purchase of Huffington Post ought not come as a surprise ... with a balance that never was achieved. But this is about a lot more than AOL and Huffington Post . Indeed, it ...
by John Nichols
Sunday, February 06, 2011
by Frank Rich
Amid the Egyptian crisis, television pundits aggrandized American inventions, Twitter and Facebook.
Blog Archive
- Why Wouldn’t the Tea Party Shut It Down?by Frank R...
- Why Wisconsin matters E.J. Dionne Jr. A 1950s stan...
- Rupert Murdoch and David Koch Collude Against Wisc...
- The Wisconsin Lie Exposed - Taxpayers Actually Con...
- Yes, America Still Needs UnionsBy Joe Conason —Eve...
- George Soros – He’s No Koch Brother: InfographicTh...
- Fake "Koch brother" calls up Wisconsin governorBy ...
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- Overpaid columnist: Teachers are overpaidThe Washi...
- Scooter Steps In ItMuch like Scooter didn't finish...
- - Intro - Watson Competes on Jeopardy
- The bigger Clarence Thomas scandalHis ethical blin...
- Koch Brothers Behind Wisconsin Effort To Kill Publ...
- GOP plan to split lower classes exposed: author Th...
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- Why Do They Hate Social Security? By Joe Conason —...
- Visit for breaking news, world news, and...
- With AOL's $315 Million Deal: Will 'Huffington Pos...
- Wallflowers at the Revolutionby Frank RichAmid the...
- GOP Congressmen Get their Government-Subsidized He...
- The Reagan Ruinsby Robert L. BorosageReagan, no do...