Among the Tea Partiers Newsweek uncovered begging for federal dollars, one name stood out. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor requested tens of millions of federal stimulus dollars to create jobs in his district. *
By Joe Conason — Before Paul Ryan delivers another lecture on the “fatal conceit of liberalism,” he ought to examine his own silly conceit: that he and others like him represent the hardworking majority, when he was merely born at the top. *
And five other myths that must die for our economy to live. *
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Perry, Cain and Flat Earth GovernmentBy E.J. Dionne, Jr. — It’s one of the strangest things in our politics: The only “big” ideas Republicans and conservatives seem to offer these days revolve around novel and sometimes bizarre ways of cutting taxes on rich people.
What Romney’s Religion Reveals About His Politics By Joe Conason — What does the career of the former Massachusetts governor tell us about the ideology of the LDS church—and what his personal beliefs may portend if he becomes the first Mormon in the Oval Office? *
Obama's Iraq promise comes true His campaign was rooted in a pledge to bring the troops home, which he just announced will happen by year's end by Steve Kornacki *
Cornell University released a study that finds that Project Labor Agreements are expanding job opportunities for veterans, women, and minorities, among others.
By E.J. Dionne, Jr. — Lost in the hubbub over Herman Cain’s love affair with the number 9 during last week’s Republican debate were some compelling observations by Rick Santorum about “the breakdown of the American family” and its relationship to poverty.
By Joe Conason — Rather than close the grossest loopholes and deductions exploited by billionaires, Republican politicians want to punish all those families living large on $300 a week by taxing them more. *
By E.J. Dionne, Jr. So let’s see: The solution to large-scale abuses of the financial system, a breakdown of the private sector, extreme economic inequality and the failure of companies and individuals to invest and create jobs is—well, to give even more money and power to very wealthy people, to disable government and to trust those who got us into the mess to get us out of it. *
The Tea Partiers insist that they obey the Constitution to the letter of the law and that their radical agenda embodies the Constitutional idea. But study the Constitution and you’ll see that these so-called Constitutional conservatives don’t love the law – they’re trying to distort and rewrite the Constitution to subvert it to their wishes. *
“This will make the Tea Party look like ... a tea party.” *
Monday, October 03, 2011
Kochs: Iran Arms Sales Koch Industries — in addition to being involved in improper payments to win business in Africa, India and the Middle East — has sold millions of dollars of petrochemical equipment to Iran, a country the U.S. identifies as a sponsor of global terrorism. *