Thursday, May 05, 2005

Fw: Write a Letter to the Editor Opposing Bunker Buster Nukes

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathy Guthrie" <>
To: "Miriam Vieni" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2005 4:21 PM
Subject: FCNL: Write a Letter to the Editor Opposing Bunker Buster Nukes

The nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) meeting in New York this
month will be receiving lots of press coverage. This is an ideal
opportunity to write a letter to the editor of your local paper warning
that congressional approval of funds to develop a new generation of
"bunker buster" nuclear weapons would seriously undermine
global non-proliferation efforts.

Developing new nuclear weapons contradicts the U.S. obligation to
prevent the spread of nuclear weapons. It undermines the
Non-Proliferation Treaty, which has significantly limited the number of
countries which have nuclear weapons.


Write a letter to the editor of your local newspapers. Refer to their
coverage of the Non-Proliferation Treaty meeting in New York. Urge them
to publish more articles on the Bush administration proposals to
develop bunker buster weapons. Explain that 189 countries - including
the U.S. - have committed through the NPT to work toward the goal of
nuclear disarmament. But now the Bush administration is proposing a
step in the wrong direction - toward developing new nuclear weapons.

See a list of your local newspapers and a sample letter to the editor:

Read talking points about writing a letter to the editor:


President Bush's budget request for 2006 includes $4 million for the
first stages of developing a "bunker-busting" nuclear bomb.
This weapon would penetrate the ground before exploding in order to
destroy underground targets. Grassroots pressure from you and thousands
of others around the country last year forced Congress to eliminate
funding for this program. Now President Bush is trying to revive the

While the amount requested for the bunker buster weapon is small
relative to the overall military budget, the significance of asking for
funds for new, more "usable," nuclear weapons goes far beyond
budgetary issues. It is important in how the world perceives the United
States' stance towards nuclear weapons. At the same time that the
administration is criticizing other countries for pursuing nuclear
weapons technology, it is seeking to upgrade its own weapons arsenal.

Furthermore, the nuclear bunker buster is not just another nuclear
weapon. It would have a destructive force 70 times greater than the
bomb that fell on Hiroshima. While burrowing underground before
exploding, the bunker buster still would cause tens of thousands to
millions of deaths from the fallout.

The Bush administration asserts that the nuclear bunker buster is
necessary because it would allow the United States to destroy
underground bunkers that are used for nuclear, chemical, or biological
weapons. Yet the administration also claims that developing such a
weapon does not lower the threshold for nuclear use.

These two claims cannot both be true. In order for the United States to
deter countries from developing nuclear, chemical, or biological
weapons, such countries must believe that the United States would
actually use its nuclear bunker busters. But if the U.S. were to use
them, the nuclear threshold would be lowered, thereby increasing the
chance of a nuclear war.

Furthermore, if potential adversaries believe that the United States
would use a nuclear bunker buster against a non-nuclear country, it
legitimates the view that "nuclear might makes right." It
suggests that the only way for countries to defend themselves is by
developing their own nuclear weapons. If the U.S., the most powerful
military in history, needs nuclear weapons to protect itself, every
other country will believe it needs them as well.

Bunker Buster Weapons and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

By signing the NPT, the United States agreed "to pursue
negotiations in good faith on effective measures relating to...nuclear
disarmament" (Article VI). The administration claims that this
language is vague and permits the United States to develop new nuclear
weapons. However, the rest of the world is watching to see whether the
NPT is in fact a fair deal between nuclear-weapons-possessing countries
and non-nuclear countries. They are likely to see this interpretation
as the United States dropping its end of the bargain.
Furthermore, the U.S. and Russia still have thousands of nuclear
weapons pointed at one another on hair-trigger alert. President Bush
will be meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin in July in Scotland.
Taking these nuclear weapons off of hair trigger alert and eventually
eliminating them would be an important step toward achieving the goals
NPT and should be on their agenda.

Lobby Alert: Your representative and two senators will be back in your
state for the Memorial Day recess between Friday, May 27 and Monday,
June 6. This is an ideal time to arrange a meeting with your elected
representative. Find out tips on how to set up a meeting here:

For more information on bunker buster weapons and the NPT, go to

For more information on how to write a letter to the editor, follow
this link


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