by Kagro X
Rudy 9iu11ani. Giant asshole? Or giant, insanely egotistical asshole?
Well, we have our answer. Only a real Flying Ace, 1-in-a-Million Scumbag would put out a 9/11 porn ad with pictures of real people -- the people of his city -- actually dying in it.
The sin is unforgivable, and the insolence just truly otherworldly.
But for truly lunch-losing arrogance, it's hard to beat this disgusting piece of shit's voiceover: "When the world wavered and history hesitated, he never did."
What. An. Asshole.
When the world wavered and history hesitated, he gave the world the mobbed-up Bernie Kerik to keep it "safe." When the world wavered and history hesitated, he sent New York's Finest to scoop his girlfriend's dog's poop. When the world wavered and history hesitated, he sent the city's firefighters into the Twin Towers his campaign commercial's set with radios that didn't work, and ultimately killed them.
Yes, the world revolves around Rudy 9iu11ani, the hero who roamed the streets of New York because his emergency response center was placed in the heart of the city's A-number-1 target for terrorists, so that it wouldn't be inconvenient for him to stroll over there.
How, you might ask yourself, could history not hesitate for this man -- nay, force of nature? After all, he never wavers. So it only stands to reason that the eyes of the world would turn to him when the chips were down, as indeed we must acknowledge it always has, if we're truly honest with ourselves.
Perhaps you remember Rudy 9iu11ani -- and indeed, the very hesitation of history -- best for his signing of the Emancipation Proclamation?

Bravely fighting for America's independence?

Bringing God's word down from Sinai?

(Note: The extra tablet contained commandments about expensing your adultery to obscure city agencies, making cops chauffeur your girlfriend and her gal pals around the city, and sheltering child molesters on your payroll.)
Verily, the ways in which one may envision Rudy 9iu11ani's heroism are truly as innumerable as stars in the sky. And for these images, we all owe a great debt to the work of our own georgia10. Though really, it wouldn't have been possible -- as is the case with just about anything, if you think about it -- without The ManTM I confess I sometimes call (with trembling lips) the Da Vinci of our time, Rudy 9iu11ani.
Don't you waver or hesitate in paying homage. Join in and share your vision with us. Images of 9iu11ani's greatness are -- fittingly enough -- like assholes. Everyone's got one.
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