Monday, June 19, 2006

Monday Morning Laughs

By Christy Hardin Smith

Crooks and Liars has a couple of amusing videos up that I wanted to highlight for everyone, so they didn’t get lost in the weekend shuffle.

The first is a clip from yesterday’s Meet the Press, with Rep. Jack Murtha. I won’t spoil it for you, but suffice it to say that when Russert brings up Rove’s criticisms of Murtha, the Congressman doesn’t hold back with his response.

The second is a clip of David Sirota and John Stossell that has made it’s way around the blogosphere a bit, but it makes me giggle. Especially when David calls Stossell "smarmy looking" right there on camera to his face. Yeeowch.

Why highlight these two? Because both people involved are Democrats who don’t tiptoe around and try to find the focus group answer to whatever questions are asked. They just say what they think, authentically, without weasling around to try and do constant CYA.
More of this, please.

And as an aside, since it is a gloomy Monday morning here today, what’s made you laugh lately?

For me, it was the Cal Thomas "trailer trash pie" comment on Fox. That has to be one of the most idiotic things I’ve heard in a long, long time. Well, okay, and there was this clown who was sponsoring a "Ten Commandments" bill, who can’t even name them. Some days, it’s just too easy, but I’m glad that Colbert and Stewart do their jobs so the rest of us can get a giggle anyway. There’s always the Mehlman clip. Mwahahaha. So, what’s been giving you the giggles?

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