Saturday, June 17, 2006

Well, Let's Help Give Him A Big Fat F

By Christy Hardin Smith

The WaPo says the fall elections are Karl’s next big test.

I say we all help him get a big fat F. And for kicks, how about we keep an eye on things so he doesn’t get to grade himself on a curve — and make sure the media doesn’t either.

– Having a President whose expectations are so low that when he strings two coherent sentences together in a row? Not exactly bragging material.

– Having a Rubber Stamp Republican Congress with so many members under federal investigation it may be easier to start listing the ones who aren’t involved in the KStreet mess, with Jack Abramoff, with the Fornigate/MZM/bribery/poker/hookers fiasco, with…well, you get the picture? Not exactly bragging material.

– Can’t pay the electric bill for our military bases? Not exactly bragging material.

And on…and on…and on.

Deficit? Way up, thanks. Cost of living? Up there, too. Interest rates? Oh yeah. Gas prices? Still high. Medication costs? Up.

You know what’s not up? Confidence in this President and his Administration’s ability to be honest — with themselves or the American public. In case you are wondering why, it’s because they have been repeatedly caught lying. (You won’t hear them say it on Faux News, but then you knew that, right?)

Help me give Karl a crappy Fall. Work for a candidate of your choice. Send out those letters to the editor. Call in local talk radio. Talk to your pals.

Take a couple of people to go vote with you. Make sure your progressive friends are registered to vote — and that they actually do so. You think the get out the vote effort is the responsibility of the political parties? Think again. It’s a tough effort, and it’s going to require each and every one of us pitching in — so please, ask friends and family if they are registered to vote, help them get the forms filled out and turned in properly, and make sure they get up off the couch and out to the polls.

More than that, volunteer to work at your local polling place. Voter fraud doesn’t happen in a vacuum — and the more folks we have watching to be certain the process is fair and honest, the less fraud they can get away with at the polling places.

We can’t win if we aren’t there to vote. There are so many issues being worked on at once, but this is one thing we can all do: take a couple of friends to vote. Imagine where we could be if we all did this. If you need motivation — imagine Karl’s face when the House and Senate go Democratic. Oh yeah…let’s help him out with that, whaddya say?

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