By Matthew Rothschild
The hostage-taking at Hillary Clinton’s Rochester, New Hampshire, office brings home once again the genuine risk that Hillary herself faces on the campaign trail.
A year before Molly Ivins died, the great Texas columnist told me she didn’t want Hillary to run for two reasons: First, she didn’t think Hillary could win.
And second, she thought Hillary would be assassinated.
Ivins said the far right is in such a lather about Hillary that it reminded her of the climate in Texas before Kennedy was shot. Plus, the hatred of Hillary is so weird and sex-based, Ivins said, that she worried that there are enough nuts out there to do her in.
Just imagine what that would do to this country!
A similar possibility persists with Barack Obama, a worry that his wife and many others in the African American community have expressed. Not for nothing that Obama got Secret Service protection ahead of time.
Is our country so ill that a woman and an African American must fear for their lives when they run for President?
Sadly, the answer to that question is yes.
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