Friday, December 03, 2004

Fw: letter from a concerned Bush Supporter

----- Original Message -----
From: "Creative Adoptions, Inc. - JA"
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 11:59 AM
Subject: FW: letter from a concerned Bush Supporter

And here is another one of those........... :-)

Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2004 12:12 AM
Subject: letter from a concerned Bush Supporter

Dear John,
I am confused, and maybe you can help me.
Of course, I voted for the man, even though a lot of my friends and
neighbors talked about the Iraq war, where our young sons and daughters
along with innocent civilian casualties are dying daily and where no
weapons of mass destruction were found, Cheney's obvious Halliburton
connections, both Baby & Daddy Bushes' relationship with Sadam during
the Iranian war and bin-Ladin during the Alfganistan affair, with the
poor economy and the out-sourcing of American jobs along with the greed
of the international oil Barons.
They spoke about all that stuff but, in spite it, I still had a positive
feeling towards him, since he is born-again, with a loving devoted
wife, two charming, virginal-like daughters and doting (non-divorced)
parents who raised him with good moral-family values in an intact
Christian american home..
But now, I thi nk he's gone mad... that crazy s.o.b. has made a black
woman Sec'ty of State. I really think he's lost it. What is the world
going to think of us as a nation? I had faith that he was going to lead
us back to our true heritage, like Moses leading his people across the
Red sea or Jesus on the sea of Galilea, you know,that sort of
stuff.......What other crazy thing is he going to do?:...
First a 'colored' man as Sec.of State, even though from a distance he
didn't look too black and had an Irish name...and then Clinton had a
woman, who found out she was Jewish after he appointed her....but she
was married to an anglo and she looked and acted white....But now a
black women who are known internationally as
'Salome-like' seductresses, or harlots like Cleopatra or Josephine
Baker. We were very successful using Anita Hill to portray the
"slut-roll", for even though she was a lawyer/professor, she still
'slept' with Clarence Thomas and proudly went before the whole world,
(as only a true slut would ) and testified what a hated and venemous
piece of flesh he was, (like the other all-american black males.... Mike
Tyson, Coby Bryant and of course O.J...thats why we lock them-up here,
because they're bad)....and the whole world applauded and laughed....Yet
Daddy Bush still appointed him, the first truly black man on the supreme
court.. (Thurgood was mulatto-like).
And now Condoleezza, a real black wench, with one of those long
african-like names, short-'nappy' hair (that isn't even processed so it
can blow in the breeze). Even Loni Garnier or Sue Simmons, mulatto
dames, would have been a better choice. ( if they could make Arnold a
Govenor, why can't they make Sue a Sec.of State.....she has a nice
smile, and doesn't fool around with any of that hated and venemous black
male flesh)
Well I guess we have to accept all these crazy antics from him since
we,the Chritian right, voted him in. How could we have had a divorce d
ex-communicated Catholic, who had a Jewish grandfather, married to that
Portugese dame named Teresa, who was born in Africa (she may be part
black too) living officially in the White House. Doesn't White House
mean for white folks only?. I remember the good-ole days when signs said
white or colored.... I'm confused
Well, I voted him in, and I guess, eventually I have to accept these
antics of his.
My question is:
Are these antics politically motivated for the benefit of the country
and the economy (like slavery was) or has he gone mad? . Please answer
soon, for I am about to go out of my mind.

from a concerned Bush supporter

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